Sunday, May 27, 2007

Week 2 - "Cats' First Blog"

This is the history of the Cats’ Blog:

One day, the cats, Grits and Cleo, were discussing their people mom’s new class.

Grits: Mom was working on her new Blog last night. She was saying that it was a good way for people to share their expertise.

Cleo: That sounds like a really good idea! I’d love to Blog with other cats! I’d call my Blog, “What Cats Really Want to Know”. For example, I would like to have a place to find out were to hunt for more shrews. I have pretty much hunted the shrew populations into extinction in our yard.

Grits: Let’s try it! As soon as the computer is left unattended, let’s give it a try!


The Cats’ Blog - What Cats Really Want to Know

Hello fellow cats;
We have found a new way to communicate and share ideas! Please feel free to add your comments and ideas for our next Blog entry. Today’s entry is an information piece on Shrew hunting. We found shrews to be a yummy way to supplement our boring people provided meals. They are also high in protein and help keep your teeth clean. Check out these links to pick up shrew information.

Happy Hunting! Remember eat your catch – never ever give it to your people parents. They never are happy with your gift. I think they are jealous!

Cleo: “Are we done yet?” Here comes mom!

Friday, May 18, 2007

Week 1

"Meow, Grits, did our people mom come home yet?" - Cleo

"Yeah, but she is trying to write something she calls a "reflection". - Grits

Mean while from the sofa - the cat mom writes:

I'm so looking forward to this semester - I've wanted to work with open source tools since I've heard about them at VSTE 2 years ago. The wiki is what I am most looking forward to exploring. I think it will be perfect tool to use when we are involved in the SAC, school improvement committiees, each year. This would make life so much eaiser - and save so many trees.

Also can not wait for podcasting and video - fun!

I also like the idea of using this as an on-going database of information created by the students. I think the wiki has many possibles. The blog, is cool, but probably isn't a tool that I would use much. However, I think for those people who enjoy writing it might be a big hit.

"Meow - Meow - Meow" - Oh dear, in cat that means - "Are We Done Yet?" I really must go.