Monday, June 25, 2007

Good News

Hello everyone,

My people mom is at NECC today so I’ve got the computer. I’m really glad I’m not at NECC because she said it was VERY crowded. I am afraid I might get my tail stepped on!

Before I share the new tech stuff I’ve learned I want to tell you the good news. I do NOT have kidney failure – just a really rare kidney infection. That means in a few days I will be good as new!

Wow, Grits and I used Audacity to record some really neat stuff. It is pretty cool. So far we recorded I Wish You a Merry Christmas and Shrew Hunting 101. We will have to post them soon. So far I’m not using my IPOD just listening to it on the computer. I guess it isn’t a podcast until we upload them.

So I guess – we are not done yet! Bye for now!


Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Hello All,

Since I wrote such a sad entry the last time I decided to hijack the computer again and update you on my life. First of all, Cleo is doing better. Her first test results came back showing wonderful improvement. We are all hoping that it is a kitty miracle. Her next test results are due today. The bad news is I’m not allowed to see the other cats any more. :-( Please keep your ears out for a new home for me. People have given me some pretty interesting ideas on finding a home. I will be trying them out! Thanks!

I got to hang out with my human mom while she was reading the Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts book today. We even got to watch the screen-casting link Now that is was cool! Mom was saying something like - it would end the need to do all those paper "how to" handouts. She seemed pretty excited.

Next we downloaded Audacity and played with that! I was able to record a few meows! I’m going to practice more once I’m done writing.

“Are you we done yet?” Uh, oh that means I must go I can hear them coming! - Dolly
Hello All,

Since I wrote such a sad email the last time I decided to hijack the computer again and update you on my life. First of all, Cleo is doing better. Her first test results came back showing wonderful improvement. We are all hoping that it is a kitty miracle. Her next test results are due today. The bad news is I’m not allowed to see the other cats any more. :-( Please keep your ears out for a home for me. People have given me some pretty interesting ideas on finding a home. I will be trying them out! Thanks!

I got to hang out with my human mom while she was reading the Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts book today. We even got to watch the screen-casting link Now that is was cool! Mom was saying something like - it would end the need to do all those paper how to handouts. She seemed pretty excited.

Next we downloaded Audacity and played with that! I was able to record a few meows! I’m going to practice more once I’m done writing.

“Are you we done yet?” Uh, oh that means I must go I can hear them coming! - Dolly

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Week 5b - I need a home

I am writing to you to ask for your help. I’ve heard that blogs are a great way to reach many people. You see I need a home. Let me tell you my story.

I came to live with these humans the last week of March. Before that I lived for one month with some kind people who found me in the middle of the icy snow storm this past February. I loved living with them and got to sleep with their 14 year old son. They had one dog and one cat. I got along with them both. The problem was they were in the military and had to leave for Germany and couldn’t take me.

That is where my new humans decided to try and keep me. Sadly, I scare their cats. Grits is 16 and gets insulin twice a day. He hisses and hisses when he sees me. But the real problem came this week when Cleo, who is 14, was diagnosed with Kidney failure. She is going to have to have an IV every day. So stress is not an option and when she sees me she hides in the closest closet.

I am really a very nice cat. I love to set on people’s laps and purr and purr. I am healthy and have had my shots. They think I am about 2 or 3 years old. I am so afraid if I go to the pound I never come out. I really want a home where someone can love me. Can you help? I hope I'm not done living. - Dolly

Week 5 - Oops

Hello all!

My name is Dolly. I must apologies I did not realize I was to put up two posts this week. Oops – mark it up to the fact that my human mom usually works in my room but didn’t this week. I was really surprised when she left out her folder and I saw I had messed up. Oh well … I have much to tell you on a personal note but I’ll leave that for the next post.

What to say about PSA. At first I thought it stood for Paws Save Animals – which is an organization close to my heart- but no I’m told it stands for Public Service announcements.

I’m told that my human mom’s group had a very hard time coming up with just one idea. In fact, they made many storyboards only to scrap them and try another. I think she had fun because she never asked "Are We Done Yet"

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Week 4 - Blogs a tool for People Rescue

“Hey, Cleo. Mom was talking in her sleep about using blogs to enhance learning in school. How can we help her? Do you have any ideas? Maybe if we can help her she will spend more time playing with us. ”

“Well, Grits, look at what that Wen lady wrote about last week in her comment on our blog. Because of her brave feedback we now know that people still don’t understand the Cat language. In fact, dear Wen, if they do stick you in Snowden for talking to your cat, don’t worry, we will organize a cat rescue through our blog. So I think the value of the blog is a tool to teach, reflect, and share information.”

“You are right, Cleo. I also want to share another Cat Rule for our readers! This one works great around our house. If you want your humans to pay attention to you, just causally stroll across the keyboard. Make sure you perform this task while purring and, if possible, rub your head on their hands. They find you so cute you don’t get in trouble for wreaking their work and they usually pull you into their lap – right where you wanted to be all along!”

“Are we done yet? Here come the humans!”

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Week 3

“Cleo, what did Mom learn this week in her fun class that we can use in our Blog?” said Grits.

“She learned about Wikis. What is a Wiki you ask? It a fun way for individuals to collaborate on an on-line project!” responded Cleo.

“Oh, I have a good idea for a Wiki,” said Grits “Let do one that is called, The Basic Rules for Cats who have a House to Run. In fact every cat could add his/her wisdom and we could rule not only the house but the world. We could even let the new cat, Dolly, help us! She wouldn’t even need to be in the same room as us!”

“Well, I don’t know about Dolly helping – she scares me - but let’s try out a few entries on our Blog and see if folks like this idea”, said Cleo

Here goes: The Basic Rules for Cats who have a House to Run
“Please let us know what you think! Add other ideas for us to share!”

Bedrooms: Always sleep on the human at night so s/he cannot move around.

Bathrooms: Always accompany guest to the bathroom. It isn’t necessary to do anything - - just sit and stare.

Night Hunting: The humans would have you believe that those lumps under the covers are their feet and hands. They are lying. They are actually Bed Shrews, rumored to be the most delicious of all the shrews in the world, though no cat has ever been able to catch one. Rumor also has it that only the most ferocious attack can stun them long enough for you to dive under the covers to get them. Maybe YOU can be the first to taste the Bed Shrew! Good Luck!


“Grits! Cleo! Are you done yet? Here comes the people mom. Hurry” yells Dolly.

“See Cleo – Dolly not all bad! She is trying to help us!” Grits

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Week 2 - "Cats' First Blog"

This is the history of the Cats’ Blog:

One day, the cats, Grits and Cleo, were discussing their people mom’s new class.

Grits: Mom was working on her new Blog last night. She was saying that it was a good way for people to share their expertise.

Cleo: That sounds like a really good idea! I’d love to Blog with other cats! I’d call my Blog, “What Cats Really Want to Know”. For example, I would like to have a place to find out were to hunt for more shrews. I have pretty much hunted the shrew populations into extinction in our yard.

Grits: Let’s try it! As soon as the computer is left unattended, let’s give it a try!


The Cats’ Blog - What Cats Really Want to Know

Hello fellow cats;
We have found a new way to communicate and share ideas! Please feel free to add your comments and ideas for our next Blog entry. Today’s entry is an information piece on Shrew hunting. We found shrews to be a yummy way to supplement our boring people provided meals. They are also high in protein and help keep your teeth clean. Check out these links to pick up shrew information.

Happy Hunting! Remember eat your catch – never ever give it to your people parents. They never are happy with your gift. I think they are jealous!

Cleo: “Are we done yet?” Here comes mom!

Friday, May 18, 2007

Week 1

"Meow, Grits, did our people mom come home yet?" - Cleo

"Yeah, but she is trying to write something she calls a "reflection". - Grits

Mean while from the sofa - the cat mom writes:

I'm so looking forward to this semester - I've wanted to work with open source tools since I've heard about them at VSTE 2 years ago. The wiki is what I am most looking forward to exploring. I think it will be perfect tool to use when we are involved in the SAC, school improvement committiees, each year. This would make life so much eaiser - and save so many trees.

Also can not wait for podcasting and video - fun!

I also like the idea of using this as an on-going database of information created by the students. I think the wiki has many possibles. The blog, is cool, but probably isn't a tool that I would use much. However, I think for those people who enjoy writing it might be a big hit.

"Meow - Meow - Meow" - Oh dear, in cat that means - "Are We Done Yet?" I really must go.