Sunday, June 10, 2007

Week 4 - Blogs a tool for People Rescue

“Hey, Cleo. Mom was talking in her sleep about using blogs to enhance learning in school. How can we help her? Do you have any ideas? Maybe if we can help her she will spend more time playing with us. ”

“Well, Grits, look at what that Wen lady wrote about last week in her comment on our blog. Because of her brave feedback we now know that people still don’t understand the Cat language. In fact, dear Wen, if they do stick you in Snowden for talking to your cat, don’t worry, we will organize a cat rescue through our blog. So I think the value of the blog is a tool to teach, reflect, and share information.”

“You are right, Cleo. I also want to share another Cat Rule for our readers! This one works great around our house. If you want your humans to pay attention to you, just causally stroll across the keyboard. Make sure you perform this task while purring and, if possible, rub your head on their hands. They find you so cute you don’t get in trouble for wreaking their work and they usually pull you into their lap – right where you wanted to be all along!”

“Are we done yet? Here come the humans!”


Amy said...

You have the smartest cats in the world. I think they are right on track about the blogs.

Wen~ said...

Dear Cleo & Grits,
Thanks for looking out for my human mom. I love your blog!

P.S. Tell Dolly, hi!

Steve said...

Okay, so he cats can blog. But can they wiki?

Marc Smith said...

TS Elliot would be proud.

Shannon R. said...

Ya Know, this explains why my cat, Patches, has been spending extra time in the computer room at night...not her usual hang-out, so she must be bloggin'.
I hope Patches understands, as your cats do, what a great tool blogs are in the classroom for teaching and reflecting.